Big Moment(s) for WHY: A Memoir
ARC's are going out, I am going through the galley right now, and did my first interview about the book...
There is SO much going on with WHY.
The ARC…
I got the ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) of WHY last week and have started sending them out to help collect critical and reader reviews, blurbs, and quotes for potential promotional purposes.
I have to admit, I am nervous. These folks will know more about me by the end of the book than most of my closest friends: the good, the bad, the ugly, and the funny. It’s quite a roller coaster.
The Galley…
I also got my copy of the book's galley for one final read-through for any last-minute corrections. It’s the same version of the book as the ARC, but specifically for me to mark up if changes are needed.
Every read-through brings more healing. It’s hard to explain. Just yesterday, I realized I had a trigger response that I sometimes revert to when incredibly stressed (Yes, yesterday was stressful). I made a mental note, talked with Dan about it, and will work on noticing it before it becomes an unnecessary part of a stressful situation.
And I also relived a long-ago memory that makes me laugh, and warms my heart every time I remember it.
First Interview about WHY…
Friday evening, I talked for an hour with a wonderful writer who immediately put me at ease. We had such a great conversation (difficult at times). I won’t mention the publication it will appear in just yet, but it is a big one. I will post links to the web edition once it is available.
Along these lines, my publisher, media consultant, and their teams are helping to develop a plan for the next nine months.
There's a lot of work to do, but it's worth it. My passion and reason for writing this book is to help as many people as possible know that they, too, can survive abuse, survive ex-gay conversion therapy cult, and thrive as their true selves even if everyone in the world seems against them.
Click below to find important links concerning the book: