“Dan!!!! Help me! I am being attacked by 70 Lbs and 9 Lbs, love bugs!” Dan poked his head out of the bathroom where he was doing his morning primping to see a pit bull (Queen Gigi the Grey) squirming like a puppy all over me while SLATHERING my face, neck, elbows, and back to the face with kisses. And to make matters even better, I had a chihuahua jumping up and down on my bladder.
Not the best thing to do to a fifty-something-old man when he is just waking up. Lol.
Both love bugs were vocalizing their love with whines, grunts, laid-back ears, and tails whipping back and forth. There was even a wet nose in my armpit at one point (eww, but cute). I just giggled, many giggles.
I embrace the giggling.
Dan smiled big and went back to primping. With a big smile, I got up to feed and give fresh water to the love bugs.
If you have to have an infestation, a love bug infestation is the best kind of infestation. It’s a wonderful way to wake up.
Have a beautiful day!
Awww… Nothing like that unconditional love .. an example too of God’s love for us ❤️