Thrive Newsletter - Issue #31 - The Shingleness Of It All
Old Man struggles, TikTok, and Yoga for Beginners...
Hello Friends,
It’s been a weird week for my health. First, I have come down with shingles. I doubt anyone hasn’t heard of the horror known as shingles. But just in case you have not, shingles are the older adult’s version of our childhood chickenpox getting decades later revenge.
Just like a ceiling popcorn infestation, shingles is an a**hole.
Other than that, I am back on TikTok and loving the experience so far. A friend returned to TikTok and said it provides a better experience. I am enjoying it so far. I have been posting health updates to both Instagram and TikTok. If you are on TikTok, let’s connect! Here is my latest TikTok; yes, I am wearing a caftan. To help with not aggravating the shingles? Yes, but I would be wearing it anyway (newsletter continues below):
This week, my diet went out of the window and flew back today, landing me right where I was last Saturday. I am in pain management mode, which has been my principal focus. So I didn’t go eat all the pints of Ben & Jerry’s “Americone Dream” in the central Florida area like I wanted to, but not on top of tracking my WW points.
People are saying stress triggers shingles; I am trying to spend time identifying the sources of stress and mitigating them. This mess is horrible, and I am taking it as a warning sign. You can’t just go on weight watchers to live a healthier life. Needed accountability is what Weight Watchers brings to the table in one area of life. Mindfulness on my part, for whole health, is what this “warning” is telling me; to be mindful and cultivate more peace mentally and emotionally.
I just asked Dan if our gym has yoga for beginners. He said they do…::: roll eyes ::: now I can’t get out of it! The last time I tried yoga, I was a gigantic (feeling) sweaty effing mess within two seconds. I was so embarrassed. But I will try it again once this hellscape on my left side passes.
If you do yoga, I would love any advice or suggestions :).
The culturally conservative Christian reaction to “Unholy” exposes a few of their blindspots:
Thank you for reading!
Oh friend!! Three things: I have had them. Effing awful. Two, I love kaftans and wear them often. Three, my first and last yoga experience was the same. I was with a room full of retired women and left with my head bowed in sweaty shame.