The Pope Provides A Perfect Example of Conversion Therapy's Systemic Roots
Conversion therapy is based on toxic theology that empowers systemic (thorough, at every level) homophobia in both the Evangelical and Catholic church.
Oh, Pope, I had so much hope! Not really; I never pass up a chance at alliteration ending with an exclamation point. :)
As I am sure most folks have seen, the Pope has apologized for offending the LGBTQ+ community by using a vulgar gay slur.
Here is where the Catholic church’s systemic homophobia has its mask of “blessing” pulled off, from the AP:
— May 20, 2024: Francis reportedly says “there is already an air of faggotness” in seminaries, in closed-door comments to Italian bishops in reaffirming the church’s ban on gay priests. He later apologized for causing offense.
Also, from the AP (emphasis mine):
Officially, the Catholic Church teaches that homosexual people must be treated with dignity and respect, but that homosexual activity is “intrinsically disordered.” It also says that men who “practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or support the so-called gay culture” cannot be ordained.
Essentially, we are supposed to be content with the bishops not throwing bibles at us. But how in the hell heaven are they showing dignity and respect by disparaging gay romance/love (practice), sexuality (disordered), our core sense of being (tendencies), and our community (supporting gay culture).
I am not feeling the dignity or respect, at all. Do you?
This revelation is evidence of the Catholic church's version of the theology that empowers conversion therapy. Meaning they won't chase you down to force you into conversion therapy. However, they will lure vulnerable LGBTQ+ people into the church, teaching them to believe that the Catholic church is the only true church and that being a second-class "disordered" member is a privilege for them. Then they will deny them full participation in the life of the church, telling them they need to repent (confess being gay as a sin, abandon the gay community) to be in the leadership of any kind or a member in good standing with the church. If the vulnerable LGBTQ+ person buys into it all, that’s when Catholic leadership will give them the same ex-gay1 resources the conservative evangelical churches would give them.
Consider this: at the time, I was involved in the cult of Exodus International. I knew many Catholic churches that either were a part of Exodus or used Exodus resources. The same stigmatizing theology empowers both Catholics and Evangelicals to treat systemic cultural homophobia as a divine mandate.
Then there is another truth at play here: even if a gay person goes down the ex-gay path through either church (evangelical or catholic), no matter how far they conform, they will never be seen or treated as equal. The Pope, who is supposed to be the most supportive in history of LGBTQ+ people, felt free to use a slur behind closed doors.
Speaking for myself, I don't need an apology because I was offended. I want an explanation for whatever in the Pope's heart caused the destructive slur to come out so naturally.
My deep concern is for all our LGBTQ+ Catholic siblings who heard the Pope's slur, and it broke their hearts with despair. They don't need to be defined and managed; they need the freedom to be themselves before a God who will and does love them for the priceless treasure they are.
Someone should tell the Pope (and I am sure millions are) that it is Catholic leadership's honor to welcome and serve God's LGBTQ+ children as equals in all the ways into the church.
All forms of conversion therapy must be banned… everywhere (is my hope). Also, the toxic theology/ideology and how conversion therapy is implemented must be exposed. It’s time to set free our LGBTQ+ siblings being held hostage in the stained-glass closet.
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Ex-gay ministry is conversion therapy’s pastoral approach to pray away the gay.